Phone: +41 77 491 09 01

PeaceWorks Coaching
Start Your Healing Journey
as a parent or teacher of a teen.
Your new life begins here.
Experience the the emergence of your authentic self and the unfolding of your true gifts with the support of mindfulness coaching and Somatic Experiencing trauma resolution.
PeaceWorks Coaching is here to provide you with the support and tools you need in order to grow, heal, and reach your true potential.
Your children, partner, friends, and family will thank you but especially YOU will be grateful.

My approach to life and healing.
We are all meant to fly but when some of our life experiences have clipped our wings, we tend to get stressed, anxious, and cautious, less spontaneous and joyful.
PeaceWorks Coaching combines trauma-sensitive mindfulness coaching and Somatic Experiencing to offer a guide, as well as practical tools and practices for you to integrate into your life.
We take time to create a safe and mindful space dedicated to you and your wishes and needs. We discover together the strengths and resources that serve to sustain all transformation.
We make a plan for what elements you want to put together for your own process of transformation.
Move from fear and panic to trust and courage!
Transform anxiety and trauma to laughter and creativity! Discover your light and joy. Give yourself and your spirit the gift of flight.
Why Work With Me?
Inspiring change and healing.
You get the benefit of years of transformative work and study and passionate engagement in the following:
Licensed Clinical Social Worker LCSW
Somatic Experiencing™ Trauma Healing
Kollibri Coaching™(a form of EMDR)
Mindful-Based Stress Reduction for Teens™
Positive Discipline™ Parenting
Mindfulness Coaching
Theme-Centered Interaction™
Non-Violent Communication™
Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional - Child & Adolescent (CCATP-CA)

My own ongoing mindfulness practice through years of engagement with the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh and others informs my work profoundly.
I draw on all of these teachings and my years of experience as a psychotherapist, coach, teacher, mother, wife, and more to create a blend uniquely suited to you and your situation.
With mindful intuition, I guide you in choosing the best fit for you.

“I had forgotten how much light there is in the world, till you gave it back to me”
- Ursula K. Le Guin
Coaching Packages
With years of teaching and coaching teens, young adults, and their families, I have come to believe that the greatest gift we can give our children as parents and teachers is our own healing. The more whole we can be, the more we can be present to the children of any age entrusted to our care.
Any sessions can be purchased individually at
$75/30 minutes, $130/hour or $150/75 minutes, in my practice or online.
1 hr
1 hr
1 hr

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”
- Vincent van Gogh
The Somatic Experiencing® method is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders.
Trauma may begin as acute stress from a perceived life-threat or as the end product of cumulative stress. Both types of stress can seriously impair a person’s ability to function with resilience and ease. Trauma may result from a wide variety of stressors such as accidents, invasive medical procedures, sexual or physical assault, emotional abuse, neglect, war, natural disasters, loss, birth trauma, or the corrosive stressors of ongoing fear and conflict.
The processing of overwhelming experiences, shock trauma such as traffic accidents, falls, operations, serious illnesses, abuse, violence and threats, loss of a close person, natural disasters, war, etc. requires a special perspective for subsequent help or therapeutic measures. Somatic Experiencing® offers the opportunity to work with such experiences particularly gently and yet successfully in depth. Most therapy methods usually do not take sufficient account of the physical reactions that occur during a threatening event.
The model developed by biologist and psychologist Dr. Peter Levine for overcoming and integrating traumatic events is different in this regard. It is based on behavioral observations in the animal world. The underlying biological mechanism is based on the hunter-prey behavior, an original stimulus-reaction cycle with three options: escape, attack and dead reflex. Animals in the wild are often exposed to life-threatening dangers but are not sustainably traumatized because they have innate mechanisms that enable them to reduce the high stress energy mobilized in the struggle for survival.
Although we humans are fundamentally equipped with the same regulatory mechanisms, the functionality of these instinct-guided systems is often inhibited and overridden by the "rational" part of our brain. For us humans, this can lead to the fact that the survival energy provided by the body in the alarm state is only partially or partially released by the nervous system. The organism continues to respond to the threat of the past. In this case, the reactions, behavior patterns, beliefs, thoughts and feelings of the person to be observed in the present are often still coupled with the terrifying experiences of the past.
The client is gently guided to develop increasing recognition and tolerance for bodily sensations and suppressed emotions to once again access their full creativity, spontaneity, and trust. It is suitable for adults and children of all ages.
See Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute for more information.
Send Kathleen a message and get in touch.
If you’re looking to make real change, heal, and live to your fullest potential, look no further.
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